Lent offers a counter-cultural invitation to each of us, providing streams in the desert of our lives. We are invited to slow down for a time of reflection and prayer – connection with God – as we prepare for a more meaningful, joyful and hopeful Easter. This year at Trinity during Lent we begin The Year of One: One People, One Planet, One God. We are focused on Christ’s deep desire for us expressed in one of his last recorded prayers, found in the Gospel of John: “Father, may they be one as you and I are one.” In 2021 we face complex challenges on a personal, community and global level. As Christ-followers, in these unprecedented times, let’s explore together how unity can positively change our experience and our world.
This year we hope to celebrate together in person (COVID-19 and weather-permitting). We also invite you to join us online for worship on Sundays during Lent, as well as Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday.
Why is Holy Week so special? Without the events of this week, there would be no Christian faith. Before we can learn the power of God through the Resurrection, we need to learn about God’s faithful love through Jesus’ obedient death. There were more than 30 Messiah figures who lived and died, often crucified, before and after Jesus, but only Jesus went willingly to death for our sake and only Jesus came back to proclaim victory over death.
Below you can find some ways to think more deeply about the meaning of this season and share with our families or friends the significance of Jesus’ last words and actions.
Whoops, nothing here!