As we embark on our annual Stewardship Campaign, Seeds – Planting for the Harvest, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your extraordinary support in both the past and present.
Your extravagant generosity and intentional giving makes a difference in the lives of children, youth, and adults in our church, as well as in the lives of people everywhere. Through your offerings and extravagant generosity we provide pastoral care, nursing home visits, discipleship opportunities, and are able to provide many other ministries in the church.
We invite you to join us on this stewardship journey called Seeds, Planting for the Harvest. This series invites us to be ‘seed sowers’ for the cause of Christ for the purpose of producing a harvest of changed lives through our generosity.
In the coming weeks, the sermons, activities and updates will inspire us with examples of how past faithfulness has resulted in a bountiful harvest of meaningful ministry and changed lives. We will dream together about what God wants to cultivate in and through our church family in the future. And we will be challenged to prayerfully consider how God might want to bless others through us; how God is calling each of us to continue this legacy of faithfulness. Whatever your giving history, we invite you to join us on this stewardship journey. Your gifts matter.
Seeds, Planting for the Harvest will last three weeks, beginning on Oct. 30. We will conclude on Nov. 13 with one service at 11 a.m. Let us pray during this Stewardship Campaign for God to move our hearts to continue to grow as a congregation in our understanding and expression of extravagant generosity.
Seeds for Change will provide an opportunity to witness once again how when we work together, small acts of faithfulness can bring about big change. This year the recipient of the coins that we collect will be the Community Lifeline Center’s Farmers Market. The market is open to all, but Community Lifeline Center clients receive vouchers for their choice of fresh produce, eggs and natural mams and honey at no cost. These healthy choices are ordinarily not affordable for individuals and families with limited means.
In gratitude to God, we invite you to pledge in support of Trinity Presbyterian ministries in 2017.
On Sunday, November 13 we invite every member to join us to celebrate God’s extravagant generosity and return the estimate of Giving Card for 2017. We will worship with glorious music and share the Lord’s Supper together as one body. And as an expression of both gratitude and trust, we ask that you return your 2017 Faith Pledge cards and offer the Seeds for Change gifts to the Lord. There are two reasons we ask each member to fill out and return these cards each year:
- First, it allows the church to accurately plan for our ministries for the coming year, developing our ministry budget based upon what our members tell us they plan to give.
- Second, the act of filling out a card is a way of inviting each member to prayerfully set a goal for giving for the coming year.
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