Vacation Bible School (VBS) is the biggest event of the year for the children (and some adults) at Trinity Presbyterian Church of McKinney.
VBS hosts children from infants to graduating 5th graders from our church as well as the community for a full week between the hours of 9 am to 12 noon. The over 100 volunteers who make this amazing event possible range in age from 6th grade to 87 years old! VBS is truly an event for all ages, and probably the most inclusive event at Trinity Presbyterian Church of McKinney.
VBS at Trinity Presbyterian Church in McKinney gives children the opportunity to go on an adventure; to capture their imaginations and to experience the lives of biblical characters. The children are immersed in the culture of the selected theme, which in 2015 was Holy Land Adventure, Galilee by the Sea. They taste, smell, hear, and touch biblical times through activities which are carefully geared and adjusted to the various age groups.
The children are assigned tribes with which they stay throughout the day. They begin and end each day as a large group with what we call Celebration Time, enjoying singing, recalling their Bible point, and learning about how they can make a difference in the world. Celebration Time is followed by Tribe Time, which provides a chance to delve deeper into the biblical story, as well as to wonder how this applies to our lives today. It also offers a time for fellowship among tribe members.
The rest of the morning is spent in visits to the Market Place, Playground, or in Story Time, where volunteers literally bring the Bible story to life. The Market Place is located in the Great Hall, which has literally been transformed into an ancient city. There the children can choose from 15 different craft activities and can sample food that is both “kid friendly” and typical to the region. The children are given “coins” which they can “spend” at the Market Place. The Playground is actually a large indoor space dedicated to creative and fun games related to the theme, and story time is a chance to learn even more about the Bible characters, culture and practices of the time period.
Extravagant Generosity at its Finest
While the theme for each VBS is chosen a year in advance, the planning for VBS begins in FebruaryVBS.Volunteer and goes until late into the night before the first day of this spectacular event. Countless hours are spent pouring over every detail; from the craft activities to the food to the décor of the Great Hall, every square inch of this experience is given great consideration. Each year, volunteers eagerly wait in line to find out to which area of VBS they will be assigned. It takes close to 100 volunteers to host this event!
Learning about God
Fun and games aside, VBS is one of TPC’s primary ways of affording children a chance to take learn about the Bible, to build lifelong memories and friendships, and to appreciate God’s greatest gift, the love of Jesus. The children become aware of this love by the relationships they form with other children and the volunteers, as well as seeing all of the effort put into making this such a special week for them. Further, they learn the importance of serving others, as each year we feature an opportunity to learn about and support a local ministry.
TPC WorshipWhile participating in VBS at Trinity Presbyterian Church, children learn what it truly means to be faithful disciples; a lesson they will carry with them for a lifetime, perhaps even paying it forward within the community and with their own children one day. To view a gallery of VBS 2015 click here:
Stay tuned to our blog to find out what the theme for next summer’s VBS is going to be! Where will we go in 2016?
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