Prayer requests
If you have a prayer request, just add it in the form below!
Affirmations about God
God is our creator, redeemer, and sustainer.
God is love. God loves the world and everyone in it, including me.
God wants to use us as God’s messengers to show God’s love to all of creation.
God desires a personal relationship with us.
God invites us to God’s throne of grace to pray throughout the day.
God calls us to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus Christ to all we encounter.
Prayer guide
Look at the names of those on your list.
Open our prayer time acknowledging who God is with praise and adoration as you approach God’s throne of grace.
Call out each person on your list asking God to be in the midst of whatever is going on in their life. You may know specifics about some of your list or you may not. As you continue on this journey, God may reveal to you in some way more details about others on your list. If you personally know them, you can even reach out to those on your list and let them know you are praying for them daily.
At the end of your prayer time each day, it is fitting to close that holy time with a prayer of gratitude for the privilege of being able to express God’s love through prayer.